Event Details:



Suspension Espresso

3 Beaumont St, Islington (100m from Hamilton Station)
(Newcastle, NSW, Australia)

rsvp on facebook event here

Thank you all for all your wonderful support for the last 12 months that has seen Stop Seismic Testing grow from one person’s vision, into the Save Our Coast movement of over 40,00 supporters, that is “making a huge impact on the electorate” according to MPs and our friends at Greenpeace!

If you are able, we’d love you to become more involved in the huge momentum you have helped us create, that started in Feb 2018. We have had 12 events attended collectively by thousands, have had 41 media reports, over 11,000 conversations in the community with over 40,000 supporters over the last 12 months and we couldn’t have done this without you!

Know we are making a difference and are being heard. But remember we are ALL volunteers and would love to hear from you, to lend a hand, share ideas and energy! From handing out fliers, putting up posters, to setting up marquees, to climate change conversations at the markets, phone calls, selling merchandise, banner making, helping with events, there’s a way everyone can belong and be part of our community, be part of the Save Our Coast/Stop Seismic testing movement.

Hear more at our meetings or contact us. Become more involved in a campaign in full swing! Join in the momentum you have all helped to create, to Save Our Coast.

MEETINGS first Tuesday of the month (check our facebook page for updates):

Next meeting 6pm Tuesday April 2, Suspension Espresso, Islington (100m form Hamilton Station).

Hope to see you there!

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