Applications to extend the PEP 11 permit (due to expire in 2021) and to change the title to allow for drilling are nearing imminent approval. We must speak up to STOP PEP 11.
Our beloved coast, within the world renowned whale migration path and dolphin habitat, turned into a Petroleum Exploration zone? Rigs off our favourite beaches?
This flawed plan risks devastating our coastal ecosystem, the whale migration route and the rich biodiversity off the coast, our climate, our livelihoods and our way of life, to DRILL for fossil fuels that we do not need that will only accelerate our path towards climate damage.
Gas is a dirty fossil fuel which causes 84 times more climate damage than carbon dioxide and 2/3 of our gas is exported – in 2019 Australia was the largest exporter of gas in the world.
To save our climate, our environment, our way of life, our precious whales, dolphins and marine life, and to save our coast and our children’s futures, we must STOP PEP 11.
Contact your MP today.