As our oceans struggle to breathe due to rubbish and plastic pollution, that has resulted in the deaths of millions of seabirds and marine animals, we at Save Our Coast recognise our collective responsibility to the oceans.
Seeing turtles or seals choking on a plastic bags, sea birds feeding plastic to their babies that then fail to thrive, or seals or dolphins tangled in plastic, is sobering and a reminder that every single piece of plastic stays on the planet indefinitely and affects the ecosystem. We’ve all seen images of the rubbish that is choking our oceans, or washed up on beaches – we cannot sit by while our oceans and coast suffer.

As you all know, our oceans are not only home to a myriad of marine creatures including our beloved whales, dolphins, turtles and seals, and seabirds, but are the lungs of our planet, helping provide us with oxygen. We must not only reduce our own plastic usage and waste, but also inform decision makers and retailing chains for the need to reduce plastic and packaging (stay posted for more). We must also lend a hand in the clean up of our own little places, our beaches, our waterways, our oceans (see our events page and stay posted for more events.)